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Your headline goes here

Your headline should be simple, attention getting and call attention to solving your clients biggest pain points. More money, more time, and less headaches are good benefits to highlight.

Your subheading goes here

Your subheading should further reiterate what you do and the benefits you offer to your clients. Benefits as opposed to features are how you will make the client FEEL by solving their pain points, whereas features are the actual services you provide, which is covered in the next section.

The purpose of the headline in the above section is to get attention by telling the prospect of the big pain points that your service solves. The purpose of the subheadline in this section as well as this body text is to expand on those solutions and make a case for why your service is a NEED for your potential client as opposed to a want.

Making the case for your service being a NEED as opposed to a want is the most effective pitch you can make. As opposed to a luxury, you want your client to think of your service as a necessity, something they can’t live without. You do that by identifying their problem, amplifying the pain attached to that problem and selling your solution through how it will BENEFIT your prospect.

On for example, which is the site I use for my web design service business, I’ve used this section to identify and amplify my prospect’s problem of either not having a website for his service business, or having a website that has not been custom tailored for maximizing lead generation.

After identifying the problem I make it known that without a website you will lose trust with your prospects and without a high conversion website you will lose money, lots of money. And I close the section with the fact that the point of operating a service business is to make money, and you NEED to have a high converting website to maximize the amount of money you make.

This creates not only a NEED in the prospect but a sense of urgency because the prospect realizes he is effectively losing money by not having a high conversion website. This kind of sales copy is important to get your prospect across the line, as well as stand out from the competition, and when you do it correctly, it’s effective. In fact it’s likely that you navigated to this site based on the sales copy I wrote on

I suggest you take the time to do this section properly and identify your clients’ primary pain points, how to amplify that pain, custom tailor your solution, and develop your pitch as to why your solution is a necessity.

What we do (this section should list all the features of your service)

  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features
  • Enter Your Company’s Features


See What Our satisfied clients have to say about us (this section should list testimonials from satisfied client)

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”

Satisfied Customer #1

CEO, Customer Company

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”

Satisfied Customer #2

CEO, Customer Company

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”

Satisfied Customer #3

CEO, Customer Company

Meet our team (clear, high resolution pictures of your team)

John Smith

John Smith


Matt Phin

Matt Phin

Content Marketing Specialist

Eric Jones

Eric Jones

Sales Associate

The text in this section should outline how long you’ve been in business, a bit about you, why you’re passionate about your business, and the kind of results you get for your clients. The idea of this section along with the testimonials section is to get your prospect to buy into you and your company, or at least to buy in enough to send you their contact information, it will be your job to further solidify buy in when you schedule a call or an in person meeting.

The key points to cover in this section are to make sure you sell yourself as an authority, to sell your company and why your company is your prospect’s best option, to emphasize how long you’ve been in business and how many clients you’ve satisfied (if your business is new you can get creative), and lastly to make sure you have clear, high resolution photos to build trust with your prospect by showing them who they would be working with.

On, even though most prospects are already familiar with me from RLD, I used this section to sell myself and remind my readers that I’ve reached over 7 million people since 2012 through and my YouTube channel, sold thousands of products, have made six figures in 3 industries, have been in online business for a decade, and have more than a decade of sales experience, which is why I’m the person who is best suited to design the prospects’ high conversion website for their sales-based service business.

I also used this section to sell the prospect on my company, I used the authority I’ve developed through RLD to sell Matt who will be doing the website installations. I made it known that I personally vouch for Matt, that he’s excellent at his job, and that he designed the ads and high quality products that my readers and viewers would have been familiar with.

I suggest you use this section to sell yourself and your company in a way that promotes trust and a way that shows your prospect that you and your company are best suited for solving their pain point.

Call To Action

This section should recap the key pain points you solve, reiterate the benefits of your service, as well as offer a call to action and tell the client how to reach you through the contact form below.

To get your prospect across the line and turn them into a lead, it’s important you summarize the most important information on the page prior to asking for the sale as most people have short memories.

On I used this section to reiterate the fact that you NEED a good looking, high conversion website to maximize the amount of money you make online, and that if you don’t have one, you’re doing a massive disservice to yourself.

I then reiterated what we do, the fact that we design the prospect’s site template FOR FREE and preemptively got in front of what surely will be my prospect’s primary objection – the money they would have to spend for hosting, even though hosting is something they would need regardless of whether they chose to do business with my company.

The argument I made was to frame the money the prospect would spend on hosting as an investment in themselves. I reduced the yearly cost of the plan to the 66 cents per day it costs to have their own online money machine – this is a powerful close. I followed that up by walking the client through exactly what they had to do, what they could expect and then asked for the sale.

I suggest you use this section to reiterate what you do, the benefits of your service and why your client NEEDS to do business with you. Since it’s likely you will be asking for information through the contact form as opposed to asking for payment, you can assume your client’s biggest objection to giving you their information is the fear of being harassed. To get ahead of that objection its’ a good idea to emphasize that you’re offering a free, no-obligation consultation, so that your prospect understands they won’t be harassed or pressured.

Lastly I would close this section with a call to action and specific instructions on how the prospect should send you their contact information.

15 + 4 =


123 Street Ave.
Citytown, NY 12345


Monday – Friday
8AM – 5PM


